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Tugas Tugas Kuliah

Posted by Niko Hadianto

Salam Lestari....

semasa kuliah mungkin tidak pernah lepas dari yang namanya tugas,,
kali ini saya akan berbagi tugas-tugas saya sewaktu kuliah buat temen-temen mungkin bisa dijadikan referensi buat bahan tugas temen2.

tinggal di sedot aja tugasnya di link di bawah ini
Makalah AMPL
Makalah SMK3

Sludge Drying Bed

Posted by Niko Hadianto

Salam lestari..... temen -temen Teknik Lingkungan

kali ini saya mau berbagi materi tentang Sludge Drying Bed dalam pengolahan lumpur. mungkin temen2 membutuhkannya untuk bahan tugas temen2.

untuk bahannya bisa di download di link dibawah ini

ppt. Sludge drying bed
doc. Sludge drying bed

semoga bermanfaat.....

Daftar Kata Kunci Produksi Bersih (English Version)

Posted by Niko Hadianto

List of keywords of Cleaner Production:

1.         Reduce: Making reductions, cuts.
2.         Reuse: is to use an item again after it has been used
3.      Recycling: is the breaking down of the used item into raw materials which are used to make new items
4.         Extraction: The process of separating a mixture of materials, usually by using a solvent. The result of the process of separation is called extract.
5.    Elimination (prevention) is an attempt to prevent the generation of limbahlangsung source, ranging from raw materials, the production process for the product.
6.         Emissions: Gas waste waste products of fuel combustion. Some of the released gas is poisonous nature, and most of it is a greenhouse gas that has contributed greatly to global warming.
7.         Barriers to trade: trade barriers
8.         Biodegradable: Can be explained biologically.
9.         Activated Sludge: Mud active
10.      Soil biodiversity: biodiversity in the soil.
11.      Biodiversity: biodiversity.
12.     Biopori: water catchment methods aimed at tackling flooding by increasing the power of absorbing water in the soil.
13.   Biopory for Evergreen Revolution: Biopori for a sustainable green revolution. BPS: Statistics
14.      BPS: Statistics
15.      Buyer requirements: Buyer Requirements.
16.      How arc Bredig: Used to make the soles of metal.
17.    Condensation Method: This method can be done through chemical reactions, such as redox reactions, hydrolysis, and dekomp [osisis duplicate, or a change of solvent.
18.    How pestisasi: Making colloidal of coarse grains or of a precipitate with the help of a substance pemeptisasi (solver).
19.      Agrochemicals: fertilizers and pesticides
20.    Dregs: The remaining items that had been taken of her sari or starch. From penertian above, the residue is the stuff that normally is not used anymore.
21.   Smog: a complex mixture composed of various gases and particles of liquids and solids.
22.      Raw materials: Substances or objects from which something can be made of it, or the items needed to make something.
23.      Raw materials: Materials that have not been processed, but sometimes it has been processed before being used for further production process.
24.      Clean Batik Initiative: Clean Batik Initiative.
25.      Clean development management: the management of clean development.
26.      Cleaner production: Production of clean
27.   Cluster: has the literal sense as a set, group, community or a combination of certain objects.
28.      Command and control: setting inspection
29.      Command control: government controlled by the government.
30.      Compliance: Structuring
31.      Curd: Clots are formed by coagulation of the (milk) soy in the process of making out.
32.      Degradation: The decline, decline, decline.
33.      Dematerialization: create a product with the same functionality or more by using fewer raw materials than the original product.
34.      Chemistry: The process is done by affixing the chemical or chemical solution to the waste water in order to produce certain reactions.
35.      Chlorine: Materials needed for water treatment or disinfectant (disinfectant).
36.      Knowledge and resources approach: the use of high technology-based resources.
37.      Coagulant: Substance clotting colloidal systems. Colloid is a substance dispersed in a solvent as grains that are larger than molecules but can not be seen with the eye.
38.   Comprehensive: considered at the earliest possible stage in the development of new projects or when reviewing a process or activity in progress.
39.      The concept of prevention of pollution (pollution prevention) is a reaction to the perception of waste as close to the defect (damage).
40.      Continuous: no terputus-putus/berkelanjutan.
41.      Demonstration project: pilot projects
42.      Disposal: (disposal) of waste to the waste that has been processed.
43.    Eco-efficiency: the business approach to deliver improved economic and environmental efficiency. It is a concept which combines methods of Good Housekeeping.
44. Ecolabelling: Certification for forest products that meet the requirements of the care environment.
45.  End-of-pipe: Processing the final stage, which is focused on what to do about the waste when the waste is formed, so no any added value to industry ..
46.      Financials: Regarding the (affairs) finance.
47.      Flexible: can accommodate a variety of changes, developments.
48.      Good Agricultural Practices: the development of the modern agricultural system.
49.      Good housekeeping: This is the first step in waste minimization efforts.
50.      Good Operating Practices: good operating practice to operate the equipment and production systems optimally.
51.      Green productivity: productivity environmentally friendly.
52.      Identification: Giving signs in group stuff or something. Activities that seek, find, collect, examine, register, record the data and information from the field.
53.      Implementation: Creating a concrete implementation time plan and action plan undertaken.
54.  Inceneration: waste treatment technology that involves the combustion of organic materials.
55.      Indigenous technology: technology use domestic resources, technology.
56.      Indicator: Something that can provide (a) the instructions or information.
57.      Inefficiency: Waste, pemubaziran, inefficiency.
58.      Continuous innovation: it is important for a country to face global competition.
59.      Input: revenues.
60.      ISO, Ecolabel: international standard.
61.      Services: the form of the services offered to consumers.
62.      Fog: Dispersion of particles in air.
63.      Policy: a series of concepts and principles that guide and basis in the implementation of a work plan, leadership and how to act.
64.      Head of soap: Force a hydrophilic (attracted to water) while the hydrocarbon group is afraid of water.
65.  Ambient air quality is an early stage to understand the negative impact of air contaminants to the environment.
66.  Waste: Waste resulting from a production process both industrial and domestic (household).
67.      Hazardous and toxic,: B3, is a remnant of a business and / or activities that contain B3.
68. Implementation of waste minimization is to reduce the number and level of contamination of the waste generated from the production process by way of reduction, utilization and processing of waste.
69.      Minimization: Reduction
70.      Risk minimization: reducing risks to people and the environment.

10 Fakta sampah plastik

Posted by Unknown

Dikesempatan kali ini saya akan membagi 10 fakta  sampah #Plastik,,  sudah siapkah?

(1)           Dalam satu tahun, 1 triliun kantong #Plastik digunakan oleh dunia. Namun hanya 4-10 % kantong Plastik bekas yg dapat didaur ulang
(2)           Kegiatan produksi #Plastik membutuhkan sekitar 12 juta barel minyak dan 14 juta pohon setiap tahunnya
(3)           Supermarket di seluruh dunia memberikan lebih dari 17 milyar kantong #Plastik setiap tahunnya
(4)           Sampah #Plastik di Kota Bali berkisar antara 600-750 ton per hari atau kurang lebih sama dgn 167 truk/hari. Bagaimana dengan bandung?
(5)           Sampah #Plastik dpt mngakibatkan pndangkalan & pnyumbatan aliran sungai/saluran drainase yg menyebabkan banjir cileuncang pd musim hujan
(6)           Mengubur sampah #Plastik dpt menurunkan kesuburan tanah, krn menghalangi sirkulasi udara dlm tanah & makhluk hidup untk menyuburkan tanah
(7)           Diperkirakan 6.4 juta ton sampah masuk ke laut setiap tahunnya di seluruh dunia, dan 80% merupakan #Plastik
(8)           Lebih dari 1 juta binatang laut mati akibat #Plastik setiap tahunnya
(9)           Selain itu setiap tahun, plastik telah ’membunuh’ hingga 1 juta burung laut, 100.000 mamalia laut n ikan2 yg tak terhitung jumlahnya
(10)       11% dari limbah rumah tangga terbuat dari #Plastik

Gimana kawan masih memiliki alasan untuk menggunakan kantong #Plastik? Ayo kita lebih bijak menggunakan Plastik dan Mari ber #DietKantongPlastik

Referensi: sahabat WALHI jabar @sahabatwalhijbr


Posted by Unknown

Tau ga kawan ada beberapa fakta tentang kertas? Mau tau kan !
Ini dia beberpa fakta dari kertas, mangga di baca

  • Setiap hari sampah #Kertas di dunia berasal dari 27.000 batang kayu
  •  Setiap jam, dunia kehilangan 1.732,5 hektar hutan karena ditebang untuk menjadi bahan baku #Kertas
  • Setiap tahun hutan Indonesia yang hilang setara dengan luas pulau bali
  • Untuk memproduksi 1 ton #Kertas, dihasilkan kurang lebih 72.200 liter limbah cair dan 1 ton limbah padat
  • 1 Ton Kertas = 400 Rim = 200.000 lembar.
  • U/ memproduksi 1 ton #Kertas, dihasilkan gas CO2 sbnyk krng lbh 2,6 ton atau sama dgn emisi gas buang yg dihasilkan oleh mobil selama 6 bulan
  • Sedangkan untuk membuat 1 kg #Kertas membutuhkan 324 liter air
  • Untuk memproduksi 3 lembar #Kertas dibutuhkan 1 liter air
  • Satu pohon membutuhkan waktu 10 tahun untuk menjadi 16 Rim #Kertas
  • 1 Rim (500 lembar) #Kertas berasal dari 1 batang
  • 1 Rim kertas A4 menghabiskan sebatang pohon berusia 5 tahun.
  • Konsumsi #Kertas Indonesia perkapita sekitar 27 kg /orang / tahun setara dengan 11 Rim /11 Batang Pohon
  • Setelah kertas dibuang, kertas ini akan terurai. Proses terurainya kertas menghasilkan gas metana. Dan gas metana juga merupakan penyebab pemanasan global. Malahan gas metana ini 20 kali lebih berbahaya dibanding gas karbondioksida, dalam hal menyebabkan naiknya suhu global.
  • Jika seandainya kita menghemat 1 ton kertas, berarti kita juga menghemat 13 batang pohon besar, 400 liter minyak,4100 Kwh listrik dan 31.780 liter air.
  • Mendaur ulang 54 kg kertas menyelamatkan 1 batang pohon (government of Canada)
  • Mendaur ulang kertas menggunakan 60% energi yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan membuat kertas dari batang pohon.
  • Mendaur ulang 1 ton kertas menyelamatkan kira-kira 17 batang pohon (Purdue Research Foundation and US Environmental Protection Agency, 1996)
  • Mendaur ulang 1 ton kertas dapat menghemat 682.5 galon bahan bakar dan 7000 galon air dan 4000 Kwh listrik (Onondaga Resource Recovery Center)
Ayo mari gunakan #Kertas seperlunya, dan budayakan menggunakan kedua sisinya. Jangan lupa pisahkan sampahnya untuk didaur ulang yaaa

Referensi: sahabat WALHI Jabar @sahabatwalhijbr